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Protection of this site

The papers of this site were drafted by Alexandre Moryason. Authors' present quotations on this site are clearly shown and referenced. The set is so, according to the international agreements relative to the intellectual property, protected by copyright respective of every author. The graphic and iconographic elements are subjected to the same rules.

The holders of the rights, © Alexandre Moryason (1986-2000) and J.F. Messenger, authorize:

  • The reproduction and the representation as private copy or purposes of education and research and except any lucrative use. This, under reserve that are clearly indicated the name of the author and the source, such as indicated in the present document;
  • Quotations or extracts, in a purpose of example or illustration, lower than 1000 characters;
  • The creation of a hypertext link, without frame, towards the endpaper of the site [].

It is called back(reminded) that are expressement forbidden:

  • The business concern of this site.
  • The reproduction of the plan or the texts, on any supports, without written license of the legal successors;
  • The creation of a link towards this site through frames;
  • The direct launch of the programs (CGI, Java and the others) of the site Moryason from a distant site.
This site is protected by the World Organization of the Intellectual property (OMPI) which is an intergovernmental organization the seat of which is in Geneva, in Switzerland(Swiss).